EU Certificate

The EC Certificate of Conformity is required by a number of Union Directives and modular schemes.

The EU Certificate specifies the name of the product, model or modification, the manufacturer of the product, the certificate holder (if necessary), the notified body (authorized body) that issued the certificate, the validity period of the EU certificate, the numbers and dates of the product test reports, indicating the harmonized standards according to which the tests were carried out and which were applied to this product, Directives applicable to a specific product.

EU Certificates can be issued by structures located exclusively on the territory of the EEC countries and by some structures in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Japan.

There are no such structures on the territory of the CIS and China, including international ones, they do not have the legal right to issue documentation on compliance with the requirements of the Directives.

In some cases, the Certificate is issued with the identification number of the Notified Body (Notified Body - an authorized body) and with a limited validity period, in particular, if the products fall under the fourth annex of the Directive on Machines and Mechanisms (Directive 2006/42/EC).

In this case, the validity period of the Certificate is limited to five years, with subsequent confirmation and has the name of the EU Type Test Certificate.

For products that fall under the new legislative act on electromagnetic compatibility (Directive 2014/30/EC), issued for a period (not more than) five years.

Please note that in the European Union there is no such thing as the European quality certificate CE (European quality certificate CE), in the EU there is an EU Certificate of safety requirements, the quality of products is determined by the market.

If the company, regardless of jurisdiction (including from the CIS), performs any service work on the territory of the member states of the Community and uses in its work various equipment falling under the requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC machinery and mechanisms, 2014/30/EC electromagnetic compatibility, 2014/35/EU low-voltage equipment and systems, 2014/34/EC devices and protective systems for use in explosive atmospheres - ATEX, 2004/22/EC measuring instruments and other equipment, devices and machines must comply with the agreed requirements and bear the CE marking, if it is defined by harmonized legislation.

The Certificate of Origin of the product form A Certificate of Origin form A is not a document confirming compliance with the requirements of the agreed legislation.

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