Industrial Safety Training (IS)

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 No. 188-V On Civil Protection, Article 79, paragraph 2), - Training and knowledge testing (exams) of specialists, employees of hazardous production facilities, as well as certified design organizations and other organizations involved in work at hazardous production facilities, they are produced in the training center of a hazardous production facility or educational organization if they have a certificate granting the right to train, retrain specialists, workers in the field of industrial safety.

Also, in accordance with Article 79, paragraph 4, - Technical managers, specialists and workers involved in the technological process of a hazardous production facility, operating, performing maintenance, technical inspection, installation and repair of hazardous production facilities, entering work at hazardous production facilities, as well as certified design organizations and other organizations involved in work at hazardous production facilities:

1) officials responsible for the safe production of works at hazardous production facilities, as well as employees performing work on them, - annually with preliminary training according to a ten-hour program;

2) technical managers, specialists and engineering and technical workers - once every three years with preliminary training on a forty-hour program.

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